Since our inception 18 years ago, BG GROUP NTH QLD has grown to become a leading provider of commercial and industrial carpentry, plastering, prefabricated metal framing, passive fire systems, servicing areas from the tropic of Capricorn North.
BG GROUP NTH QLD goals are to provide cost effective professional quality workmanship on time and on budget for the client, we understand once the structural elements are complete it is our teams, that drive the pace of the project through to the finish details. With a nucleolus of tradesman that have been together for 15 years we are able to reproduce the same quality and systems on every project.
About B&G Group-
Since our inception 18 years ago, BG Commercial Plastering has grown to become a leading provider of commercial and industrial plastering, prefabricated metal framing, passive fire systems, servicing areas from the tropic of Capricorn North.
BG Commercial Plastering goals are to provide cost effective professional quality workmanship on time and on budget for the client, we understand once the structural elements are complete it is our teams, that drive the pace of the project through to the finish details. With a nucleolus of tradesman that have been together for 15 years we are able to reproduce the same quality and systems on every project.
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NQ Fire Solutions have a long history in the building industry with relationships developed with all services trades. We can do the easy stuff like everyone else how we differentiate our service is our ability to engage other service providers directly to solve the upgrading or rectification of the individual problems that arise ensuring your business place meets all the required Standards and Codes.
This is important it is easy to forget to follow up with a particular problem that has been coming up as a defect year after year, unfortunately the problem rests with you, your current service provider has identified and informed you of the problem.
NQ Fire Solutions is a family owned business and has access to over 50 staff members so very rarely do you wait for service because this week we are in Cairns.
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Since our inception 18 years ago, NQ Carpentry Services has grown to become a leading provider of commercial and industrial carpentry services operating in all areas from Torres Straights to Rockhampton and West to Mount Isa.
Our projects include shopping centres, aged care facilities, residential units and apartments, supermarkets, community centres, education facilities, police, fire and ambulance stations and Defence Force installation.
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NQ Steel Frames provide locally manufactured prefabricated and flat packed steel frames for both the residential and commercial market. Including roof trusses and penalized roof system all fully engineered to meet your local conditions, using only quality Bluescope Truecore products.
Supporting the local community and providing employment opportunites and career paths for young people in our region is an ongoing commitment by our company with over 20 tradesman trained and 4 more at various stages of their apprenticeship our record shows our passion for training the next generation.
Recent history and many installers will say you can’t do prefab on commercial work, well times change and at NQ Steel Frames we have proven this to be far from the truth. Talk to us today about eliminating or minimizing your external scaffold requirements, speeding up your construction project, and removing potential safety incidents and waste from your site.
If your company undertakes remote area work check out NQ Steel Frames flat pack options , your competitors probably already have, why freight waste to your project, approach the local community about training for assembly of your frames onsite, reduce travel and accommodation not to mention wages.
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